How does Bliss make money?

Bliss is a fee-free experience. We do not charge account maintenance, overdraft, or minimum balance fees. Euphoria, the parent company behind Bliss, derives money from two sources:

a.) If you order a Bliss Card, you can voluntarily pay $1, $5, $7, or $9. You can also pay nothing. This payment helps us republish our card stock (each card costs ≈$9 to produce and ship) and make Bliss accessible to more souls who need our services. You’ll experience the same level of service regardless of whether you pay for a Bliss Card.

b.) As mentioned above, Bliss Card holders receive cash back on all eligible purchases. You’ll receive ≈0.5% cash back on all eligible purchases, and Euphoria receives an equal ≈$0.5% on all eligible transactions. The vendors pay this cumulative 1%, and it is not a fee levied on your Bliss account. This model allows Euphoria to continue to operate and keep our products and services fee-free. Each time you swipe, dip, or type in your Bliss Debit Card, you gain a little cash back and help sustain our operations.