The Bliss Card

A card to help heal, become, grow, and go beyond.

At Bliss, we understand the significance of a name – it's a vital part of your identity. That's why our Bliss Cards celebrate you, in your truest form. There's no need for legal formalities or cumbersome paperwork. Simply choose the name that resonates with your identity when you order your Bliss Card, and we'll make it happen. Your card, your name, no questions asked.

Your Bliss Card is more than just a payment tool; it's a statement of self-affirmation. As the exclusive piece of mail from us, you can rest assured that your privacy is respected, and your choices are honored. Not ready for a card yet? No worries. You can still enjoy the benefits of Bliss as a robust savings account and a goal-setting platform.

But there's more. Every time you use your Bliss debit card - for anything from gender-affirming care to a simple cup of coffee - you're not just spending; you're earning. With our cashback program, a portion of your transaction (approximately 0.5%) is funneled right back into your Savings Pocket. It's our way of supporting you, on your journey and in your day-to-day life.

Bliss Cards aren't just for transactions. They're a tool for transformation, supporting you every step of the way.
To order your Bliss Card:

1. From the Bliss home screen, tap the CARD MANAGEMENT menu item to view the card ordering flow.

2. Follow the check-out flow and order your card after entering your name and confirming your shipping address.

3. Wait for 7-10 days to receive your card in the mail.

To activate and use your Bliss Card:
1. After you've received your card, open the Bliss app and tap on the CARD MANAGEMENT menu item.

2. Tap the "Activate" button and follow any in-app prompts to complete card activation.

3. Once activated, you can use your Bliss card online or in person!

Bliss Cards are Visa Debit Cards that can be used anywhere Visa Debit is accepted. These are not prepaid debit cards.

One more thing…

Bliss is a fee-free experience. We do not charge account maintenance, overdraft, or minimum balance fees. Euphoria, the parent company behind Bliss, derives money from two sources:

a.) If you order a Bliss Card, you can voluntarily pay $1, $5, $7, or $9. You can also pay nothing. This payment helps us republish our card stock (each card costs ≈$9 to produce and ship) and make Bliss accessible to more souls who need our services. You’ll experience the same level of service regardless of whether you pay for a Bliss Card.

b.) As mentioned above, Bliss Card holders receive cash back on all eligible purchases. You’ll receive ≈0.5% cash back on all eligible purchases, and Euphoria receives an equal ≈$0.5% on all eligible transactions. The vendors pay this cumulative 1%, and it is not a fee levied on your Bliss account. This model allows Euphoria to continue to operate and keep our products and services fee-free. Each time you swipe, dip, or type in your Bliss Debit Card, you gain a little cash back and help sustain our operations.