Welcome / Getting Started

A better future begins today.

Welcome to Bliss. First, thank you for your trust, courage, and vulnerability in using our product.

1 Green Heart- Bliss is a fee-free experience. We do not charge account maintenance, overdraft, or minimum balance fees. Euphoria, the parent company behind Bliss, derives money from two sources:

a.) If you order a Bliss Card, you can voluntarily pay $1, $5, $7, or $9. You can also pay nothing. This payment helps us republish our card stock (each card costs ≈$9 to produce and ship) and make Bliss accessible to more souls who need our services. You’ll experience the same level of service regardless of whether you pay for a Bliss Card.

b.) Bliss Card holders receive cash back on all eligible purchases. You’ll receive ≈0.5% cash back on all eligible purchases, and Euphoria receives an equal ≈$0.5% on all eligible transactions. The vendors pay this cumulative 1%, and it is not a fee levied on your Bliss account. This model allows Euphoria to continue to operate and keep our products and services fee-free. Each time you swipe, dip, or type in your Bliss Debit Card, you gain a little cash back and help sustain our operations.

2 Woman TechnologistMan Technologist- No one at Bliss is deriving an income from this work. We do this work from a place of profound love and reverence for the work itself. Should this ever change, we’ll be sure to let you know, but we wanted to be upfront about our intentions and operations.

3 Money Bag- All of the money in Bliss is stored in United States Treasury Bills (T-Bills). You keep 100% of the yield earned from the T-Bills, which are automatically deposited into your account.

4 Card File Box- Bliss utilizes both a Spending and Savings Pocket. These are organization tools for your money, but your Bliss account is one functional account. Should your purchase or transfer exceed the amount in your Spending Pocket, Bliss will allocate the remainder from your Savings Account to keep your account positive. If you have insufficient funds, the Card or Transfer will be declined (and no fee will be levied on the account).

5 Locked with Key- Bliss will not send you any paperwork other than the Bliss Card, which only arrives when you initiate. This was an intentional design choice to maximize your privacy.

6 Ring Buoy - We’re here to help. If anything comes up, you can email us at  hello@bliss.lgbt . We’ll do our best to respond in a quick, dignified, and affirming manner.

Thank you again for joining Bliss. We’re honored to be part of your journey and’ll do everything we can to make this the best possible experience.